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Should Community Service Be Mandatory In High Schools?

In our contemporary world, community service has gained significantly in popularity. Nevertheless, the debate of whether or not to enforce volunteerism upon high school students sparks severe controversy. There is a lot of opposition to mandatory volunteer work. From my point of view, if administered well, voluntary participation of youth is substantially advantageous towards both the individuals and the community as a whole, yet the act should be considered a preferred option rather than imposed.

The most palpable fact to support volunteerism is allowing students to reap personal benefits such as boasting experiences in miscellaneous realms and enhancing self-growth, which would play a crucial role in your path to success. Indeed, nowadays, the amount of international scholarships listing community service as a prerequisite accounts for a remarkable percentage. Additionally, employers no longer require solely an academic degree with flying colors showcasing how wonderful you perform during tertiary education. People also need to arm themselves with prominent skills and knowledge in order to stand out and get a leg up on other applicants when applying for job opportunities or scholarships.

Furthermore, volunteerism is essential to make sure youth understand the merits of engaging in the betterment of the community without reward. This particular factor enables voluntary service to counteract the corrosive effect of individualism and egoism. In long term, volunteer service upholds a sense of community, rebuild cohesion and reduce distrust among people. Apart from professional gains, volunteerism can also help you expand social network with like-minded people sharing similar interests and people from different walks of life.

Despite those desirable benefits brought about by volunteerism, its mandatory nature is the nub of the argument. Students' entire willingness should be guaranteed, otherwise they have a less tendency to commit and feel discontented. By making voluntary participation compulsory, the government indirectly puts more pressure and increase anxiety within students, because students'd be burdened with yet an extra criteria with an intention to graduate. Unless they're taking a voluntary gig, community service can consume so much time that it diverts participants' attention from studying.

Nonetheless, that there're drawbacks does not mean the idea is erroneous and to be curtailed. Instead, people should make adjustments and improvements wherever appropriate to ensure the optimal alternative approach. For instance, schools from every nook and cranny can demonstrate youngsters how meaningful their commitment is and what they're likely to achieve from which.

In the light of facts outlined above, one can conclude that mandatory volunteerism does not fit all young people, therefore should not be applied. Alternately, the government should encourage youngsters to go in for volunteer work through various tactful and subtle approaches.

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